
Way of the Peaceful Warrior- a book that changes lives

A few days ago I finally had time to finish a book I had been reading since the summer. It was recommended to me by a friend and I was not disappointed in the least!

The book is called Way of the Peaceful Warrior A Book That Changes Lives written by Dan Millman.

If anyone is looking for a great book to read over the holidays then this is just the ticket! I think that this novel can absolutely be appreciated by just about everyone no matter their interests, background or lifestyle. It is magical, captivating as well as inspirational. I don't want to say too much about the book because I think that it speaks for itself, so below is an excerpt of "advice" if you will that made a great impact on me. 

"I wanted to whisper in people's ears, "Wake up! Wake up! Soon the person you believe you are will die- so now, wake up and be content with this knowledge:

There is no need to search; achievement leads to nowhere. It makes no difference at all, so just be happy now! Love is the only reality of the world, because it is all One, you see. And the only laws are paradox, humor and change. There is no problem, never was, and never will be. Release your struggle, let go of your mind, throw away your concerns, and relax into the world. No need to resist life; just do your best. Open your eyes and see that you are far more than you imagine. You are the world, you are the universe; you are yourself and everyone else, too! It's all the marvelous Play of God. Wake up, regain your humor. Don't worry, you are already free!" 

I wanted to say it to everyone I met, but if I had, they might have considered me deranged or even dangerous. I knew the wisdom of silence." 

So I hope that has made you at least slightly interested enough to look up the book! If not, well perhaps sooner or later it till find its way into your life one way or another!

Until next time.. be happy. 


Who am I?

Hi Everyone, or at least those still reading...

It has recently occurred to me at the comment of a friend that I haven't told you anything about myself since I began this blog. So I thought I would share a bit about myself for this time around.

Oh boy where to start..

I guess I could say first off that I think there are two parts to a person. The first part being how the person THINKS they are in their own head and the second part is how they ACTUALLY are in reality and when viewed (and let's face it "judged" in some way) by others. 

I used to think I was many many things, and it wasn't until about my senior year of high school and into my first years of college that I realized I had myself all wrong. I used to think that I was completely normal and that I could never do any wrong. I also considered myself spontaneous and care-free. Looking back I think that all I had to do was experience more in life to realize that I did not have all the answers about life or myself. Over time I realized that every day is a new chance to learn and new chance to change and more importantly a new chance to become the person you want to be. 

So maybe now you're wondering what did I learn about myself? Well I will tell you.

One of the first things I think I have to address is the fact that I am absolutely not normal. As to whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen (haha). I don't have a problem free family or a perfect life. I am definitely not care-free in fact I worry about a lot of things, most of them unnecessary, so that is definitely something that I am working on. I also learned that I can come off a certain way to people, which is not something that I'm sure a person can change being that you can't control other peoples minds--at least not yet. But, I think that the most important thing I have learned in all is what I actually want out of my life. You see, I used to be so materialistic and I wanted an independent, glamorous city lifestyle with lavish clothing, and parties and all I could see was me me me, nothing of real substance was in the picture.  I knew my entire life plan from start to finish and god forbid it didn't happen exactly as I imagined it. While some of this is okay, extremes are usually never good. Since then, I have realized that life is so much more than all of that. And this next part might shock those of you who thought you knew me so well. I know I want to really live. I want to experience life and feel fulfilled. I want to experience new interests as often as possible. I want to be able to hike in the woods and clear my thoughts and travel to beautiful places all around the world. I want to share all of this with friends and a significant other. I don't want to live life with all the material possessions anyone could ever buy, and in the process sacrifice real happiness. I want to be able to go to bed at night with someone I care about, rather than alone no matter how gorgeous the space.

Because of this, it's fair for me to say I am always changing, always trying (at least) to improve and to know myself better so as of right now, these are somethings about me:

I love nature, music, art, traveling and conversations with people.
I'm a bit strange sometimes and quite enjoy making sound effects randomly.
I am passionate and I put my heart into things that I really believe in or love doing. 
YES i DO have a nasty temper sometimes, but I'm trying to improve. I mean it.
I stress out beyond what I need to.
It bothers me when I can't understand someone or their way of thinking.
I try to be a good listener and offer advice from the heart, which has landed me in some less than desirable circumstances to say the least.
I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, or if I am ready, but I know I will try nonetheless
I want a career in fashion (i think) and thats why I go to to FIT in New York City. Either way it's an experience.
I love and hurt deeply and personally.
I don't know everything, but I'm always trying to learn more.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.

So I hope that this has been somewhat entertaining somehow and let you in a bit more on who I am..

Until Next Time... re-evaluate yourself.. you might just be surprised with what you find!