the greatest battles you will ever fight
will be with yourself.
Okay, In this post I am going to discuss weed. This will be my only weed-based post. So enjoy.
First, I just want to clarify that I am for the decriminalization of marijuana- therefore, you may find this post to be slightly biased... well, too bad! This is my blog, so if you want to read it, you can suck it up.
First and foremost, I do not consider weed to be a drug. Things I do consider to be drugs are heroin, cocaine, acid, alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs. Notice, 3 of the 6 I listed are legal.
I'm going to begin by saying that if you were to look at a chart plotting substance abuse and substance dependency on the y and x axes (you can find such a chart on wikipedia) you would find alcohol and tobacco to be just below heroin and cocaine, and marijuana to be significantly lower. Yet, our society allows alcohol and tobacco to be legal. CRAZY! And I bet, if you ask yourself about some people that you know who smoke weed more often than they drink alcohol you would most likely agree that this person is much more in control of their life and doing significantly less damage on their brain and body.
Marijuana is a plant. The active ingredient is Tetrahydrocannabinol or also known as THC. When weed is harvested correctly, it is not altered chemically by any means the way other drugs are. It is natural and can be grown in soil or water, just like any other plant. This THC is what makes it even possible for anyone to even have a guts to group weed with other hard drugs, because THC affects brain receptors and this is the "psychoactive" ingredient in the marijuana. If you want to get really technical, you can research THC online.
So now I'm assuming you've heard that well "if you start smoking weed, you are likely to engage in other experimental drugs and thus inevitably will become a drug addict." WRONG. Let me tell you how people who smoke weed become drug addicts.
YOU SEE: from elementary all the way through high school students are required to take Health education classes. These classes are extremely misleading and poorly taught so students are not being educated properly. They are taught that marijuana is a bad drug- just as bad as heroin let's say, so one day a student smokes weed, and begins to smoke weed more regularly. As it becomes regular for them they think hmm this is not that bad, I kind of like it, maybe I will try something new.
Because this person has been taught that weed is an equal to the likes of cocaine, meth etc, and they experience weed to not be very harmful, it is no wonder they think it's okay to try these hard drugs. So now they are snorting cocaine and they think they can handle it- its no big deal and it's kind of a joke because all of a sudden they are addicted to this substance. And NO WONDER! It has them hard. Because it IS a drug. Marijuana cannot compare.
THEREFORE: I think weed needs to be put into a completely different category, or taken out altogether and you know what? Why don't you put depression medication in its place huh?
Now I want to discuss some effects on the body-
Let's look at tobacco. There are some people I know who would rather smoke cigarettes than smoke weed. Let me just say, they leave me speechless. Tobacco's ingredients are well known. Rat poison (arsenic), Tar- you know like on the road.. would you lick pavement? No? Then don't smoke cigarettes! I needn't go on about the ingredients.. we all know. Tobacco also harms your lungs. In fact many 100's of 1000's of people die from lung cancer. Maybe I am wrong, but I have never known any case reported where a person has died from gaining lung cancer as a result of smoking weed. Also, I can run. I can sprint. I was on varsity track and varsity field hockey and I can run pretty fast. If I am in shape- meaning I work out regularly my weed smoking has yet to affect me.
Alcohol damages your brain and your liver. There is also going to be the risk of the disgustingly prevalent disease known as Alcoholism. I will not elaborate. Most know it is a horrible thing to happen to anyone.
I will say the only negative way that weed has affected me. I am not so good when it comes to instantaneous memory recovery. Meaning- my long term memory is good, my short term memory is good, but my instantaneous memory is pretty bad. MEANING- I walk up my stairs often, get to my room and cannot remember what I came there for right away. However, this has been shown in clinical studies that this memory does repair after long term stopping of smoking. Oppositely, Those brain cells you kill with booze- they aint coming back!
So now you might have been told that people who smoke weed are losers who are unmotivated and will do absolutely nothing of value with their lives. Some might call them "stoners" and "pot heads." Let me assure you. The problem is NOT smoking weed. It's the fact that they are just lazy fucks (excuse my language) who don't give a crap about anyone in their life including themselves for WHATEVER reason they have created. They CHOOSE to be unproductive. I for one, know plenty of intelligent people who are regular weed smokers, some of them pharmacy students, doctors, lawyers, 6-figure CEOs and such. I myself have a 3.8 GPA and consider myself to be very driven. Go figure.
Since this post is getting pretty long, I think I shall begin to wrap it up.
Hard drugs take people up very very high, but after they reach the climax of that high you better believe they're going to fall a long way. A good quote for this would be "What goes up, must come down." You also lose your appetite- cokeheads know all about this. If you have taken hard drugs ever or drank alcohol you know that the next day or hours coming down you feel like complete and utter shit. There's no way around it. You are lazy, sluggish, tired, aching, irritable and the list goes on and on.
After smoking weed people generally tend to feel happy, and hungry, and overall more relaxed. The next day you don't feel bad at all. In fact you might find yourself more energized. For those of you who are about to blurt out something about paranoia- let me assure you this is all in your head and entirely up to you. Stop trying to think like your normal mind would think! That's your problem. Weed takes you to a different level of consciousness because it is psychoactive MEANING- you have to let go and let your mind wander because the same rules do not apply here as do on the mind's average plane. SO just calm down and take a deep breath and remember.. no worries, no ones coming after you.
Also-FYI just a minor anecdote- the pharmaceutical industry are the ones who pay big bucks to keep marijuana illegal because it has the ability to cure many diseases and disorders that their synthetic heroin types treat, and therefore legalization would take a huge chunk off the revenues they make by giving people pills with atrocious side effects that in reality THEY DON'T EVEN NEED! Honestly, this is just appalling to me. See Here Read This or Here
So as I said, I could touch on more topics but that would make this post entirely too long, so I would just again like to say.. umm why is weed considered a drug? Why is it not legal if people can drink and smoke tobacco? Scratching your head? Yeah so are a lot of other people.. including me.
So until next time, why not do your research and ask yourself some questions about what's really going on here. If you figure it out, enlighten me, for surely I would love to know!
First, I just want to clarify that I am for the decriminalization of marijuana- therefore, you may find this post to be slightly biased... well, too bad! This is my blog, so if you want to read it, you can suck it up.
First and foremost, I do not consider weed to be a drug. Things I do consider to be drugs are heroin, cocaine, acid, alcohol, tobacco and prescription drugs. Notice, 3 of the 6 I listed are legal.
I'm going to begin by saying that if you were to look at a chart plotting substance abuse and substance dependency on the y and x axes (you can find such a chart on wikipedia) you would find alcohol and tobacco to be just below heroin and cocaine, and marijuana to be significantly lower. Yet, our society allows alcohol and tobacco to be legal. CRAZY! And I bet, if you ask yourself about some people that you know who smoke weed more often than they drink alcohol you would most likely agree that this person is much more in control of their life and doing significantly less damage on their brain and body.
Marijuana is a plant. The active ingredient is Tetrahydrocannabinol or also known as THC. When weed is harvested correctly, it is not altered chemically by any means the way other drugs are. It is natural and can be grown in soil or water, just like any other plant. This THC is what makes it even possible for anyone to even have a guts to group weed with other hard drugs, because THC affects brain receptors and this is the "psychoactive" ingredient in the marijuana. If you want to get really technical, you can research THC online.
So now I'm assuming you've heard that well "if you start smoking weed, you are likely to engage in other experimental drugs and thus inevitably will become a drug addict." WRONG. Let me tell you how people who smoke weed become drug addicts.
YOU SEE: from elementary all the way through high school students are required to take Health education classes. These classes are extremely misleading and poorly taught so students are not being educated properly. They are taught that marijuana is a bad drug- just as bad as heroin let's say, so one day a student smokes weed, and begins to smoke weed more regularly. As it becomes regular for them they think hmm this is not that bad, I kind of like it, maybe I will try something new.
Because this person has been taught that weed is an equal to the likes of cocaine, meth etc, and they experience weed to not be very harmful, it is no wonder they think it's okay to try these hard drugs. So now they are snorting cocaine and they think they can handle it- its no big deal and it's kind of a joke because all of a sudden they are addicted to this substance. And NO WONDER! It has them hard. Because it IS a drug. Marijuana cannot compare.
THEREFORE: I think weed needs to be put into a completely different category, or taken out altogether and you know what? Why don't you put depression medication in its place huh?
Now I want to discuss some effects on the body-
Let's look at tobacco. There are some people I know who would rather smoke cigarettes than smoke weed. Let me just say, they leave me speechless. Tobacco's ingredients are well known. Rat poison (arsenic), Tar- you know like on the road.. would you lick pavement? No? Then don't smoke cigarettes! I needn't go on about the ingredients.. we all know. Tobacco also harms your lungs. In fact many 100's of 1000's of people die from lung cancer. Maybe I am wrong, but I have never known any case reported where a person has died from gaining lung cancer as a result of smoking weed. Also, I can run. I can sprint. I was on varsity track and varsity field hockey and I can run pretty fast. If I am in shape- meaning I work out regularly my weed smoking has yet to affect me.
Alcohol damages your brain and your liver. There is also going to be the risk of the disgustingly prevalent disease known as Alcoholism. I will not elaborate. Most know it is a horrible thing to happen to anyone.
I will say the only negative way that weed has affected me. I am not so good when it comes to instantaneous memory recovery. Meaning- my long term memory is good, my short term memory is good, but my instantaneous memory is pretty bad. MEANING- I walk up my stairs often, get to my room and cannot remember what I came there for right away. However, this has been shown in clinical studies that this memory does repair after long term stopping of smoking. Oppositely, Those brain cells you kill with booze- they aint coming back!
So now you might have been told that people who smoke weed are losers who are unmotivated and will do absolutely nothing of value with their lives. Some might call them "stoners" and "pot heads." Let me assure you. The problem is NOT smoking weed. It's the fact that they are just lazy fucks (excuse my language) who don't give a crap about anyone in their life including themselves for WHATEVER reason they have created. They CHOOSE to be unproductive. I for one, know plenty of intelligent people who are regular weed smokers, some of them pharmacy students, doctors, lawyers, 6-figure CEOs and such. I myself have a 3.8 GPA and consider myself to be very driven. Go figure.
Since this post is getting pretty long, I think I shall begin to wrap it up.
Hard drugs take people up very very high, but after they reach the climax of that high you better believe they're going to fall a long way. A good quote for this would be "What goes up, must come down." You also lose your appetite- cokeheads know all about this. If you have taken hard drugs ever or drank alcohol you know that the next day or hours coming down you feel like complete and utter shit. There's no way around it. You are lazy, sluggish, tired, aching, irritable and the list goes on and on.
After smoking weed people generally tend to feel happy, and hungry, and overall more relaxed. The next day you don't feel bad at all. In fact you might find yourself more energized. For those of you who are about to blurt out something about paranoia- let me assure you this is all in your head and entirely up to you. Stop trying to think like your normal mind would think! That's your problem. Weed takes you to a different level of consciousness because it is psychoactive MEANING- you have to let go and let your mind wander because the same rules do not apply here as do on the mind's average plane. SO just calm down and take a deep breath and remember.. no worries, no ones coming after you.
Also-FYI just a minor anecdote- the pharmaceutical industry are the ones who pay big bucks to keep marijuana illegal because it has the ability to cure many diseases and disorders that their synthetic heroin types treat, and therefore legalization would take a huge chunk off the revenues they make by giving people pills with atrocious side effects that in reality THEY DON'T EVEN NEED! Honestly, this is just appalling to me. See Here Read This or Here
So as I said, I could touch on more topics but that would make this post entirely too long, so I would just again like to say.. umm why is weed considered a drug? Why is it not legal if people can drink and smoke tobacco? Scratching your head? Yeah so are a lot of other people.. including me.
So until next time, why not do your research and ask yourself some questions about what's really going on here. If you figure it out, enlighten me, for surely I would love to know!
Street Bums
I think that there is something to be said for homeless bums on the streets of NY or any other city for that matter.
Well, simply because they are trash picking treasure seekers. But really tis a good thing they do i'd say. I mean its impossible to realize how much we as humans waste on a daily basis, probably throwing out a lot of perfectly good items..
Now, I'm not condoning garbage picking food- ew... but other items makes one think.
I bet you they've found bunches of great things.. and they probably know all the best garbage cans to scour... maybe they even hold down their best known spot and if other bums come sniffing around there they bark at them to stay away hahaha. Just imagine.
But they really are doing our society a favor with their garbage picking in the sense that something that was going to get thrown away.. and end up in a land fill to further pollute our earth, did not because they plucked it from the rubbish and found a perfectly suitable use for it.Well Done!
hmmm what a thought...
Well, simply because they are trash picking treasure seekers. But really tis a good thing they do i'd say. I mean its impossible to realize how much we as humans waste on a daily basis, probably throwing out a lot of perfectly good items..
Now, I'm not condoning garbage picking food- ew... but other items makes one think.
I bet you they've found bunches of great things.. and they probably know all the best garbage cans to scour... maybe they even hold down their best known spot and if other bums come sniffing around there they bark at them to stay away hahaha. Just imagine.
But they really are doing our society a favor with their garbage picking in the sense that something that was going to get thrown away.. and end up in a land fill to further pollute our earth, did not because they plucked it from the rubbish and found a perfectly suitable use for it.Well Done!
hmmm what a thought...
the typical struggle
"Cause all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that lead us there are blinding, and there are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how...yeah I don't know how"
Oh that song.. so good until it happens to you-- haha.
I don't really have anything to say in this post.. I'll just be blogging it in my head for the rest of eternity if I must.. doing everything to keep it inside of my mind.
The mind is a most dangerous place under the right circumstances..
one must be wary of the mind. it can enlighten you, but it also retains the power to destroy you. whAT a funny thing. and yes- so is life.
Oh that song.. so good until it happens to you-- haha.
I don't really have anything to say in this post.. I'll just be blogging it in my head for the rest of eternity if I must.. doing everything to keep it inside of my mind.
The mind is a most dangerous place under the right circumstances..
one must be wary of the mind. it can enlighten you, but it also retains the power to destroy you. whAT a funny thing. and yes- so is life.
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