
who are they kidding?

I have an extreme issue with the pharmaceutical/drug industry. Let me explain.

I think all of America has seen these commercials for anti-depression medications on the TV. If you haven't well then you must be living under a rock-- no offense. Anyway I can't stand them! They are complete bullshit. You know why? Because people DO NOT NEED anti-depressants! Look this is LIFE and sometimes let's face it, LIFE SUCKS and so we can't all be happy 24/7 365 it's just not realistic. Well these companies want to capitalize on that. They want to sell you things you don't need that don't even help you. Let's break this down for a moment...

Do you feel anxious? unhappy? and experience loss of interest? Do you answer yes to these questions? Then you have depression--WRONG! It's called being human. I guarantee that America's wait no.. the WORLD's population could get a prescription for anti-depressants if we all wanted to.

Next these commercials are completely manipulating. They all do the same exact thing. They show pictures of people really happy strolling to their mailboxes, or at a party while nice pretty music plays in the background (knowing most people respond to visual) Meanwhile the voice is telling you something to this effect.. "this medication is not acceptable for everyone.. if you have kidney, liver, lung, (basically any problems with any vital organ) do not take this, also thoughts of suicide may occur; do not drive or operate any machinery as memory loss and blackouts can occur" and at this point I'm like WHAT? Are you KIDDING? It's preposterous.

Look, I know some drugs are necessary and medicine can do some wonderful things, but may I also point out this little tid- bit of information. What is the point of medicine? To make you get better right? Well then let me ask you this.. if you're on anti-depressants and you ask your doctor, "hey doctor when will I be better? When can I stop taking this medication" You know what the answer is? NEVER! Once they have you as their patient they have you for life and they are making you spend money on and even worse making you think you need things that you DON'T! 

You know what anti-depressants are? Pretty much synthetic heroin, one of the most addictive forms of prescription meds.. and you know what they do to you? Make you nothing but a shell, they take your personality and stomp all over it and you don't feel ANYTHING (yes that includes happy emotions too) 

And you know what? PEOPLE! Instead of taking some anti-depressants why don't you just go and smoke some good weed for crying out loud! And I don't think that I'm alone on this one seeing as an article on just this was written in beauty's most prominent magazine, Allure. As of now I can't find the specific date but I believe it was published in July 2006 in their "Mood News" section. Another similar article was written in another prominent magazine, Marie Claire. The story was called "Stiletto Stoners" and was featured in the October 2009 issue on pg. 100. 

All I'm saying is, next time one of these commercials is on ... listen.. really listen.

until next time.. peace

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