It's funny how you can find a person to talk to and somewhere in that conversation that person will say the exact thing that you know you have been needing to hear.
Recently, I was speaking about such universal things with a person and they said something that resonated with my soul.
They said, "your reality is created from the inside out, not the outside in."
I found that completely lovely. So often I think that there cannot be this many things to be negative about, or upset about or even worried about. But I think what happens is that we forget we are even being negative and so we begin to do it throughout our life subconsciously.
As humans, we are all running around frantic about things and if we begin to have negative thoughts, it somehow turns into negative results.
I guess what I am speaking of is manifestation.
Manifestation is the idea of "think and it shall be so" in a sense. It says that if we think positively about ourselves and situations, many positive things can come from it, but if we constantly dwell on negativity then those negative thoughts actually become our reality.
Sometimes I think that people need to make that conscious decision to be positive rather than negative, and we would all be much better off. After all, we're in all of this together.
I know from personal experience that sometimes I feel this wave of "depression" coming for me. And I could very easily let it overtake me and consume me bit by bit. I will sit there alone and bored and nothing good comes from that for me.
BUT what I've been trying to do instead is that every time whenever this negative feeling comes, instead of succumbing to my own negativity, I make the conscious decision to think about the positive stuff instead!
Now, I'm not saying I succeed 100% of the time, but I am becoming much better. It's so easy and anyone can do it!
So next time you start to feel down, think if you are the one making it that way. If so, do a quick 180 and bring on the fleet of positive vibes to conquer the negative ones!
Positive thinking can make the world go round :)
Until next time... manifest good and share it with those around you!