

The crowd moves as one--
like gears of the universe.
Minds become one--
as absolute experience
is shared among us.

The music courses
through my veins
igniting my soul
so that my entire being
dances to life's rhythm.

As the tie-dye sky morphs
to a lush cobalt blue,
the surrounding energy
becomes electrified.

I look around me--
smiling faces emerge,
splashed by a kaleidoscope
of superb colors
and glow of inner ecstasy.

I smile to myself
as a thought enters my mind--
There's no place
I'd rather be now
than where I am.

-Ailee John



Neola Road slinks below you--
you who lie in the lush velvet
of a summer's night sky.

I step out of my Volvo S60
and turn my face to marvel
in your delightful essence.
My mind flashes to those
rarely graced by your presence.

To New York City--
a world that knows nothing
of the pure magnificence it foolishly dilutes.
Competing against your splendor,
its skyscrapers banish you
yet I know you are only in hiding.

For now, you and I know different realms.
One natural, one man-made.

But someday, I will return again,
to stand speechless and smiling
beneath your twinkling tent,
which covers this world.

-Ailee John


Purple Micro Dot

It appears there are slight
discrepancies here.
Or there.
And perhaps everywhere—
as a general rule.

Do you in fact know
where it is that we are?

It would seem,
that you and I are both here—
in this moment paused at this

Yet, I am not there with you
as you sit there to read this

Or the line below;
Something about
Being in two places at once
Which may or may not
be the case,

In any case,
I used to be here—
where you are now,
so I guess in some form
what we have here
is something illustrative
of sharing…

Our Experiences

-Ailee John


A "Found" Poem


Sometimes you need
to just wander
off on your own
and deal with life--
or think things through.

Today's thoughtful energy
helps you make
some serious headway
into a difficult problem.

-Ailee John

Okay so just in case you are unsure of what a "found" poem is, I will give a little explanation. It is when you find something just written such as a paragraph in a story, copy in an advertisement or so on so forth and then you take this writing and add line breaks in order to turn it into an effective poem. For this poem, I used my daily horoscope that is emailed to me every day! I hope you enjoyed!


Twilight Zone

 I don't know what it is, but I'm really crazy about this chandelier... and the wall paper that is behind it...It's so -- mesmerizing. 


Anyway I saw this at a place on the L.E.S called National Underground... it's a pretty cool place, I suggest a look see at E Houston and Allen St.