
To Jenna

Dear Jenna,

I have typed and deleted this page about 10 times now and I just can't seem to figure out how I want to write this to you it's so frustrating- I have backspaced and backspaced and backspaced, and I can't find words good enough, but I think you will know what I am trying to say anyway-- you always do.

We have been friends since fourth grade and we have experienced so incredibly much together that it feels like I have lived more than one lifetime with you. You are the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. We've been through thick and thin together most of the time, but even when we were too busy being mad at each other what we have has never been lost.

I remember one time, I think it was the summer after 6th grade and we hadn't been close in over a year. I called you up and asked if you wanted to come over. You said sure and when you first got there it was so awkward. Neither of us could think of what we wanted to say to each other, but then before we knew it we were right back at it like we'd never even skipped a beat of our friendship. 

That isn't the only time that that has happened either and that is something that I adore about our friendship. No matter how big the blowout (and we both know there has been some intense ones), or no matter how much time passes, and life changes once we are hanging out it's like no time has passed between us at all. I never worry about how it will be the next time I see you.

Over the years you have made me have more laughs--and laugh harder than anyone else I can think of! All the times we just made each other laugh just because we couldn't stop laughing even if it was over nothing. I'll never forget the time that my parents went away to Canada for the weekend and you came over and we (or more likely you) were making dinner and you were getting out the pan and I looked in the window just in time so see your refection while you lost your balance and fell backwards onto the floor. That must have been one of our hardest laughs ever!

As I'm sitting here writing this, all of our good times- and bad are coming back to me, and I think that's what is making it so hard to write this, because I want to write about everything! All of our memories! But I can't because if I did this blog would never end. So since you also know all the memories already, I think the best thing I can do is to keep this simple.

So Jenna, I want to thank you for everything you are and everything you have ever done for me. Thank you for being the most unbelievable friend. You have been there for me through it all- the good times and the laughs, as well as the times where I was just completely miserable. More importantly, through everything you never ever judged me. You always accept me as I am and I am so grateful to you for that! In fact, you make me a better person just by being who you are! I think it's also fair to say that you understand me better than anyone else in the entire world. I hope that we'll be friends till the very end :)

And because words just can't do it justice I just think back to the summer to the night where we looked at the stars from your porch and had the inside of your house groovin' and I know that that feeling and that experience is the product of our friendship!

Thank you so much for being there :)



Rothbury 2009

So, I think that it might be fair to say that there's no place on earth like Rothbury, Michigan. Rothbury is something like a modern day woodstock, if not what original woodstockers' couldn't have imagined in their wildest dreams!--Ok so maybe they could imagine it, but to actually witness it as something tangible? Probably not. This past summer I was lucky enough to have a good group of friends who agreed to make the grueling 11 1/2 hour drive out in a small volvo standard overflowing with our camping apparatus which we would use for the weekend. We were all super and excited and I think I can speak for all of them when I say that we were not to be disappointed. The energy was unbelievable from the moment our car pulled into the gates to begin check in, to the day that we departed. Adventure and marvel was around every corner and not once throughout the weekend did I meet a mean and uncaring soul. Everything and everyone was absolutely exquisitely beautiful in its/his/her own way.

I think that there is a lot to be learned from a festival such as Rothbury. People may think that it's just some place where crazy hippies go to relive their glory days and take large quantities of mind altering substances.. and while that may very well be a part of it, it's so much more than that. It is a uniting, an understanding, a place where you can go to be yourself. And the amazing thing is that whether your love be art, music, people, food, crafts, clothes, or just a good time it's an experience that you are sharing with many others on a level not of this world. The peace, the love, the learning is all authentic and genuine. Needless to say, I plan to be in attendance next year!

I still run into people all over the place who have gone to Rothbury and share the same feeling towards it as myself and many others. So if you're looking for adventure or you need a life changing experience, or you're just plain bored.. consider a ticket and a trip, but more importantly, memories that will last you a lifetime. 

until next time-- peace and love :)


The 2012 Prediction

Let's face it, there's something in human beings that makes us all have this ever tumultuous love/hate relationship with the unknown. From mysteries to ghost stories and death people are absolutely enthralled and even they don't know why. Maybe that's why opinions on 2012 are becoming the greatest thing since the year of Y2K. Everybody has a thought or an opinion even if they won't share it about what they think is going to happen come December 21, 2012. Mainly thus far in the discussion amongst scholarly individuals there are 2 major theories. Either this is going to be a massive event in the process of human evolution or we will cease to exist as we know it. I myself fall into the former of the two. 

I never really thought too hard about it before because I find there is also a fear that come along with the unknown and the fact that we never really get an answer until the day comes and the answer is finally presented to us. However, this past summer I was getting my hair cut/colored and while I was waiting for the dye to set in I had a full 18 minutes of nothing to do, and a pile of magazines in front of me. Although InTouch weekly and Star magazine crossed my mind..(how could I live without knowing about Britney's latest) my eye fell instead, to a magazine I had never really bothered to pick up: Interview Magazine Any way upon shifting through the large glossy pages I happened upon this article with John Pinchbeck and was immediately captivated. 

Now I could go on and on about what he said, but check out the links above for yourself. Who knows you might just find what you were looking for.

check out this video too! Come 2012

Hope this gave some of you food for thought!

Until next time.. imagine


it has to be them

You know, it's a funny thing, to want. And I'm not talking about wanting something material but instead wanting something for someone else that they don't wish to achieve for themselves.

A friend of mine and I were recently talking and came upon the topic of my mother's alcoholism. He asked me "why can't you help her?" and I told him that I have and do but it doesn't matter because she doesn't want to help herself. He then asked me, well "what's next?" and I replied "letting go" because if I don't I fear that my constant stressing and worrying about the next time I'll find her blitzed will land me in the same position she's currently in. He then proceeded to tell me "I know you've been through a lot but this is your mom killing herself" And the thing is he's right and I know that. And I see where he's coming from but there is just one problem.

I can want to help with all of my power, love and time, but if the person I am trying to help, doesn't want to take it upon themselves to make a decision with me to help themselves then all I can offer is lost. It doesn't matter how bad you want something for somebody, if they don't want it for themselves you can't do anything about it. 

This goes for other things in life as well. You can give all the advice you want to someone and carry on kicking and screaming but until they recognize that they need to make a change for themselves regarding whatever it is you will remain completely and utterly powerless. And to force something, is to just push them farther away. And it doesn't matter how obvious it is to you, it's all in what they WANT to see.

It's one of the hardest lessons I think a person has to learn, but it is reality.

It's not that we've all given up on the ones we love, it's just we can't be a part of them hurting themselves anymore and so we will wait patiently for them until they SEE the truth of what their lives have become and when they allow themselves to receive help, we will be there thankful at last.

until next time, encourage, but realize the choice is not your own.

who are they kidding?

I have an extreme issue with the pharmaceutical/drug industry. Let me explain.

I think all of America has seen these commercials for anti-depression medications on the TV. If you haven't well then you must be living under a rock-- no offense. Anyway I can't stand them! They are complete bullshit. You know why? Because people DO NOT NEED anti-depressants! Look this is LIFE and sometimes let's face it, LIFE SUCKS and so we can't all be happy 24/7 365 it's just not realistic. Well these companies want to capitalize on that. They want to sell you things you don't need that don't even help you. Let's break this down for a moment...

Do you feel anxious? unhappy? and experience loss of interest? Do you answer yes to these questions? Then you have depression--WRONG! It's called being human. I guarantee that America's wait no.. the WORLD's population could get a prescription for anti-depressants if we all wanted to.

Next these commercials are completely manipulating. They all do the same exact thing. They show pictures of people really happy strolling to their mailboxes, or at a party while nice pretty music plays in the background (knowing most people respond to visual) Meanwhile the voice is telling you something to this effect.. "this medication is not acceptable for everyone.. if you have kidney, liver, lung, (basically any problems with any vital organ) do not take this, also thoughts of suicide may occur; do not drive or operate any machinery as memory loss and blackouts can occur" and at this point I'm like WHAT? Are you KIDDING? It's preposterous.

Look, I know some drugs are necessary and medicine can do some wonderful things, but may I also point out this little tid- bit of information. What is the point of medicine? To make you get better right? Well then let me ask you this.. if you're on anti-depressants and you ask your doctor, "hey doctor when will I be better? When can I stop taking this medication" You know what the answer is? NEVER! Once they have you as their patient they have you for life and they are making you spend money on and even worse making you think you need things that you DON'T! 

You know what anti-depressants are? Pretty much synthetic heroin, one of the most addictive forms of prescription meds.. and you know what they do to you? Make you nothing but a shell, they take your personality and stomp all over it and you don't feel ANYTHING (yes that includes happy emotions too) 

And you know what? PEOPLE! Instead of taking some anti-depressants why don't you just go and smoke some good weed for crying out loud! And I don't think that I'm alone on this one seeing as an article on just this was written in beauty's most prominent magazine, Allure. As of now I can't find the specific date but I believe it was published in July 2006 in their "Mood News" section. Another similar article was written in another prominent magazine, Marie Claire. The story was called "Stiletto Stoners" and was featured in the October 2009 issue on pg. 100. 

All I'm saying is, next time one of these commercials is on ... listen.. really listen.

until next time.. peace


"Be Here Now"

Life is a constant learning experience. There have been so many times when I have practically thought myself into tears in terms of all of life's unknowns. Where am I going? Will I ever get where I want to be? How can I do this, and that? There is so much that people constantly worry about but I am learning how silly it is to worry. The amount of unnecessary stress that is caused by worrying is rediculous, and even worse could eventually end your life! Talk about scary! Which is why it is so important to "Be Here Now" The moment is the only thing that is relevant. Seriously. Right now. That's it. It's so simple because the past doesn't matter-- you have no control over it, and the future is irrelevant because we haven't gotten there yet. The only thing that is important is the moment. 

In the last year, my dad recommended a book to me, which in fact has been the basis of this post. The book is called "Be Here Now" and was written by Baba Ram Dass, who was formally known as Dr. Richard Alpert. I suggest it as a good read for anyone who wants a different and more open perspective towards life. It has definitely shaped mine and I am so glad to have read it. 

Until next time, remember: Be Here Now