
and so it stays...

Welp, hello there reader! If there is one...

Today is my 3rd day of attempting to live facebook free. On the positive side, yesterday I finished all of my homework with time to spare and because I still want to be on the computer I am actually driven to write a blog post everyday. I also took time to realize that there are a plethora of other websites available to me and so yesterday I also spent some time reading on matters of interest to myself. Unfortunately, I am still feeling that I want to rip my hair out haha. But, it's still early and so the feeling of withdraw is still present.

I remember back in May 2008 I had an iphone and one day I was sitting on my boyfriend's couch which happens to be a sectional. And my phone fell down into a part of the sectional that you couldn't move apart. I had the idea that if I pulled out the leg rests that the phone would be freed and would fall down onto the floor where I might be lucky enough to grab it. Well, needless to say things did not go exactly as planned. As soon as I pulled the lever I heard a discerning CRAAACK! Not only that horrifying sound, but no dropping sound after either further signaling me that I had failed miserably. 
Well, after this, I still needed to rescue my phone and so my boyfriend got a pair of scissors and managed to pry it out from between the mechanism that way. When he handed me my iphone, it was no longer able to lay flat on a table. It was bent so that it actually rocked back and forth. The screen had also been shattered, which rendered it useless. 


Well, the first week of my life without my phone was HELL! I was absolutely miserable! I couldn't stand not having the ability to reach any number of my friends at my fingertips. But, slowly and surely as I went on more and more without a cell phone I became happier and happier. I was able to do what I wanted and no one could bother me. I didn't have to worry about screening someone's calls that I didn't want to talk to and worrying about running into them later and having to explain myself. I had a legitimate reason-- my phone was broken. I was untouchable. I could go where I want, and do what I want and I didn't have to worry about people reaching me.. and by July that summer... I didn't care. I was free from my "lifeline." It started to get to other people though.. so much so that sooner or later the person who I would be hanging out with would get a phone call.. but the person calling would be asking to speak with me.

SOO I am hoping that this prevails the same way and that after so long it won't matter to me anymore about my facebook. And so if you are one of those people that relys on those things to keep in contact with me.. Well I guess there is just going to have to be another way. Like oh my god. You might actually have to have a face-to-face conversation with me. I KNOW! What a thought!

Anyway.. until we talk again.. I hope that your technology is everything that you want it to be. And chances are if the phrase "Ugh they are calling me again" is part of your vocabulary... then maybe it's time for you to reconsider some things yourself. 

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